By 2028 Moscow-based New Land Grain Corridor LLC (NLGC) has a plan to develop an elevator complex for simultaneous storage of 200 thousand tons of grain in Belov (Kemerovo Region). The cost of the investment project is 5 billion rubles, also new enterprise will create 120 new workplaces, as the press service of the Kuzbass government administration reports.
Agreement with the regional government was signed by the company at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum. "In the current geopolitical situation, many Russian companies are forced to redirect their product supplies from the West to the East, and Siberian regions have a significant geographical advantage hear, and it provides an opportunity to develop investment and export potential. Implementation of such a major project will give an additional impetus to the development of our territories," says Kuzbass Governor Sergey Tsivilev.
A linear elevator in Belov should provide for entire grain processing cycle: acceptance, weighing, cleaning, drying, storage and packaging for further transportation. An elevator will be located in the geographical center of the region with a year-round convenient transport interchange. “Thanks to the elevator, Kuzbass will be integrated into the “New Land Grain Corridor” network, formed by seven linear elevators in Russia,” said Sergey Pushkin, General Director of NLGC.
In June 2022, the NLGC announced its plan to build a 200,000 ton storage capacity elevator similar to Kuzbass elevator, in the Omsk Region and Altai Territory and to conclude an investment and trade agreement with the Chinese company Zhongchengtong International Investment for total amount of about 2 trillion rubles.
Last year, 1.55 million tons of grain with a yield of 25.8 q/ha were harvested in Kuzbass. Last year in August Sergey Tsivilev announced plans to increase annual grain production volume in Kuzbass to 3 million tons.